Sunday, March 13 - Saturday, March 19, 2022
Sunday, February 23, 2020 - Saturday, February 29, 2020

Contractor continued trench excavation for the installation of 15-inch RC pipe

Contractor continued PCC Curb and Gutter

Contractor excavated trench & installed 8.00LF of 15-inch RC Pipe

Contractor placed GAB and rolled to compact to seal and covered with plastics.

CPDC installing pipes for fire hydrant relocation

CPDC performing excavation for fire hydrant relocation

CP graded GAB, subbase, check grade and rolled to compact from STA 179+25 to 184+00RT for roadway pavement

CPDC at STA 165+63 dug hole & installed Dual Throat Water Quality Basin & connect Basin pipes
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco trench excavation at several locations on phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation, building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street and installing PCC curb and gutter.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Sunday, February 16, 2020 - Saturday, February 22, 2020

Contractor continued trench excavation for the installa-tion of 4-4in PVC conduit

Contractor excavated and installed Manhole - Sewer - MH15-1 at STA 172+11

Contractor started setting forms on compacted & approved GAB subbase for PCC Curb and Gutter

Contractor excavated and installed Manhole - Sewer - MH15-1 at STA 172+11

Contractor backfilled excavated trench

Contractor backfilled excavated trench

Contractor placed GAB from STA 189+50 to 190+25, for temp. pavement.

Contractor performing concrete placement for curb and gutter
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco trench excavation at several locations on phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation and building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Sunday, February 9, 2020 - Saturday, February 15, 2020

Contractor received shipment of RCC Pipes on Tractor Trailer

Contractor excavated trench from M41 at STA 183+32 & installed 8.75' lateral 4inch-2W conduits to M43 & conc. encased

Contractor installing Manhole - Sewer - MH15-4 at 174+11.85

Contractor performing roadway grading.

Contractor performing backfilling of GAB, grading and compacting.

Contractor excavated trench & installed 28LF of 24inch RCC Pipe from STA 173+80 to 173+25RT & backfilled

Contractor excavated landscape, graded GAB and paved Temp Pavement

Contractor installed Manhole - Sewer - MH12-8 at STA 160+66.50 offset 7.00'RT and 7' of 18-inch Dia. RCCP
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco trench excavation at several locations on phase 1A. Contractor continued DC-Plug concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets; (8) 4” Ø electrical pipe, (6) 4” Ø electrical pipe, (4) 4” Ø electrical pipe and (2) 4” Ø electrical pipe and connecting the conduits into the installed manholes.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, and manhole installations.
Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed electrical manholes. Manhole recessed conduit entries were sealed with class B concrete.
Contractor continued roadway excavation and building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Daniel Lane.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Sunday, February 2, 2020 - Saturday, February 8, 2020

Contractor excavated road & graded to subgrade, accepted compaction by (DDOT QA/QC) STA 179+16 to 188+50RT & placed GAB

Contractor excavated road & graded to subgrade, rolled and compacted, & placement of geotextile and GAB

Contractor excavated road & graded to subgrade

Contractor digging hole to install Sewer Manhole - MH14-1 at STA 167+17

Contractor excavated & graded to subgrade, rolled to compaction & placed GAB

Contractor digging hole to install Sewer Manhole - MH14-1 at STA 167+17

Contractor excavated road & Undercut 6ins below subgrade, compacted (DDOT QA ok) STA 187+50 to 188+75RT

Contractor installed 4in-4W PVC conduit and envel-oped with concrete
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco trench excavation at several locations. Contractor continued DC-Plug concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets; (8) 4” Ø electrical pipe, (6) 4” Ø electrical pipe and (4) 4” Ø electrical pipe and connecting the conduits into the installed manholes.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer RC pipes for connection, and manhole installations.
Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed electrical manholes. Manhole recessed conduit entries were sealed with class B concrete.
Contractor continued roadway excavation and building up the new roadway on the NB lane.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANCs
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue