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Sunday, January 26, 2020 - Saturday, February 1, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued Pepco trench excavation at several locations. Contractor continued DC PLUG concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets; (8) 4” electrical pipe, (6) 4" electrical pipe and (4) 4” electrical pipe and connecting the conduits into the installed manholes.

  2. Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer RC pipes for connection.

  3. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed


CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities.

  • Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s

  • Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications

  • Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation

  • Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue

Sunday, January 19, 2020 - Saturday, January 25, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued Pepco trench excavation at several locations. Contractor continued DC-Plug concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets; (8) 4” Ø electrical pipe, (6) 4” Ø electrical pipe and (4) 4” Ø electrical pipe and connecting the conduits into the installed manholes. 

  2. Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer RC pipes for connection. 

  3. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed electrical manholes. Manhole recessed conduit entries were sealed with class B concrete. 


CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents. 

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020 - Saturday, January 18, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued Pepco trench excavation at several locations. Contractor continued DC-Plug concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets like (8) 4” Ø electrical pipe and (4) 4” Ø electrical pipe. And connecting the conduits into the installed manholes. 

  2. Contractor began and continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer RC pipes for connection. 

  3. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed electrical manholes. Manhole recessed conduit entries were sealed with class B concrete. 


CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents. 

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work and adjusted activities. 

Sunday, January 5, 2020 - Saturday, January 11, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued Pepco trench excavation at several locations. Contractor continued DC-Plug concrete encasement duck bank installation. Contractor continued the installation of PVC conduit of different sets like (8) 4” Ø electrical pipe and (4) 4” Ø electrical pipe. And connecting the conduits into the installed manholes.

  2. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes. Contractor continued to install conduit bends to the installed electrical manholes. Manhole recessed conduit entries were sealed with class B concrete.


CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinate with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work, and adjusted activities.

Sunday, December 15, 2019 - Saturday, December 21, 2019
Project Description:

The AECOM Construction Management and Inspection team is providing construction and inspection services for the Reconstruction of Oregon Avenue NW. This is a two-year construction project, roughly 1.8-mile road project along the western side of Rock Creek Park. The Oregon Avenue NW project is between Military Road NW and Western Avenue, as well as Western Avenue between Oregon Avenue NW and 31st Street NW, the project involves street improvements and the installation of a new sidewalk, roadway improvements and installation of a new sidewalk on the west side of the roadway,

new curb and gutter, street lights, signage, pavement markings, drainage structures and systems, [Low Impact Development runoff] facilities and a new bridge over Pinehurst Run. Oregon Avenue will look different with sidewalks, DDOT is going through extensive efforts to preserve trees and minimize disturbance to roots to help preserve the park-like character of Oregon Avenue. This project nnecessitates coordination with the National Park Service since it travels alongside of the Rock Creek Park. The construction cost is estimated to be approximately $23 million.


The scope of the construction work includes the following:

  1. Installation, maintenance and final removal of sediment and erosion control measures.

  2. Removal and disposal of existing asphalt pavement surface and base, sections of existing curb and gutter, and sidewalk.

  3. Selective clearing and grubbing, removal and disposal of selected tree branches due to tree trimming.

  4. Removal and proper disposal of street lighting arms and luminaries from PEPCO poles. The removal of these items shall be coordinated with the staged reconstruction of street lighting.

  5. Abandoning selected sewer pipes and structures, including but not limited to sewer manholes, catch basins and connecting pipes. Usable frame and cover materials shall be salvaged and delivered to the District storage yard.

  6. Utilities trenching for installation of new catch basins, manholes, sewer pipes and water lines. Utilities trenching for installation of electrical duct banks and electrical manholes for street lights and PEPCO facilities. Trench backfill and surface restoration.

  7. Adjusting or resetting sewer-water-utilities manholes frames to new road/sidewalk grade elevation.

  8. Construction of curb and/or gutters, islands, sidewalks, driveways, and accessible ramps.

  9. Construction of main line new roadway paved surface and base, and side streets roadway milling and overlay. Construction of PCC bus stops.

  10. Demolition of box culvert at Pinehurst Branch and replacement with a bridge structure and retaining walls. Installation of outfall pipe end- walls and riprap protection.

  11. Construction of stone facing property gravity and cantilever walls and copings.

  12. Removal and re-installation of property metal and wood fences.

  13. Installation of new pavement markings and traffic signs, including the relocation of selected (existing) signs as shown in the contract drawings.

  14. Installation of street light arms and LED luminaries (type as indicated in the drawings) on existing or relocated PEPCO pole; complete in place for a functional and operational street lighting system

  15. Installation of various types of roadside and parking LID facilities and outfall underdrain pipes.

  16. General landscape on lawns and LID facilities.

  17. Work also includes all other work and various incidents required shown in the contract plans and/or as specified in the Specifications and Special Provision

Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor began mobilization work; putting the engineer’s office trailer together and preparing the surrounding. Contractor began to gather the required MOT signs to be utilized on phase 1 required MOT.

  2. Contractor performed emergency profile milling on Oregon Avenue NB & SB (From Military Road to Northampton). Contractor also began the erection of construction signs for phase 1A construction.

  3. Contractor continued mobilization activities; Began and continued the silt fence installation for E&S plan and tree protection. Contractor began the installation of PCC barrier in preparation of the Oregon Avenue NB lane closure from Beech Street to Western Avenue.


CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address MOT need for press releases as needed.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about the active work.

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