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Sunday, November 22, 2020 - Saturday, November 28, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.

  2. Contractor began to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.

  3. Contractor continued roadway excavation on NB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street and installed all proposed advance warning signs. Contractor continued to finish up remaining bioretention LID work installed at Phase-1.

CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.

  • Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s

  • Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications

  • Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation

  • Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker

  • Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Sunday, November 15, 2020 - Saturday, November 21, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.

  2. Contractor began to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.

  3. Contractor continued roadway excavation on NB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street and installed all proposed advance warning signs. Contractor continued to finish up remaining bioretention LID work installed at Phase-1.

CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.

  • Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s

  • Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications

  • Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation

  • Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker

  • Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Sunday, November 8, 2020 - Saturday, November 14, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.

  2. Contractor began to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.

  3. Contractor continued roadway excavation on NB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street and installed all proposed advance warning signs. Contractor continued to finish up remaining bioretention LID work installed at Phase-1.

CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.

  • Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s

  • Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications

  • Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation

  • Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker

  • Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Saturday, November 7, 2020
Progress Summary:
  1. Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.

  2. Contractor began to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.

  3. Contractor continued roadway excavation on NB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street and installed all proposed advance warning signs. Contractor continued to finish up remaining bioretention LID work installed at Phase-1.

CM Community Outreach Activities

  • Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.

  • Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.

  • Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s

  • Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications

  • Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation

  • Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker

  • Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

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