Sunday, March 13 - Saturday, March 19, 2022
Sunday, January 17, 2021 - Saturday, January 23, 2021
Contractor Placing the new air blowout after excavation and trenching.
Contractor built invert channel flow for manholes.
Contractor on phase 2B excavating for backfilling of the installed PCC sidewalk
Contractor installed copper pipe for service water line.
Contractor formed and poured concrete for exposed sidewalk
Contractor formed and poured Driveway after compaction
Contractor began washing the placed exposed aggregate.
Contractor on Phase 2B roadway work backfilling the back of the PCC Curb & Gutter.
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.
Contractor continued roadway excavation on SB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-3 approved modified MOT and is currently working on DC PLUG work.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns
Sunday, January 10, 2021 - Saturday, January 16, 2021
Contractor continued full depth road excavation grading GAB and compaction.
Contractor built invert channel flow for manhole.
Contractor installing concrete check dam within bioretention planter facilities
Contractor excavated and installed Traffic Signal Pole Foundation
Contractor excavated and installed foundation for retaining wall #1
Contractor installed infiltration LID2-3 under sidewalk
Contractor excavated and formed for Bioretention LID4-1
Contractor began slope stabilization excavation and embankment work and excavating for sidewalk
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.
Contractor continued roadway excavation on SB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-3 approved modified MOT and is currently working on DC PLUG work.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns
Sunday, January 3, 2021 - Saturday, January 9, 2021
Contractor backfilled excavated trench behind PCC curb and gutter.
Contractor placing concrete in trench for DCPLUG conduit duct bank system
Contractor installed manhole MH10-1
Contractor continued full roadway excavation, grading and compaction work.
Contractor began saw cutting operation by pavement edge prior to placing asphalt.
Contractor placed base asphalt material from Military Road heading to Rittenhouse Street.
Contractor removed temporary PCC barriers and placed drums for saw cut operation.
Contractor excavated, full depth roadway compacted and pass density test, placed Geotextile and spread GAB operation.
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.
Contractor continued roadway excavation on SB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-3 approved modified MOT, and is currently working on DC PLUG work.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns
Sunday, December 27, 2020 - Saturday, January 2, 2021
Contractor excavated, formed and poured PCC curb and gutter.
Contractor excavated trench and placed PVC conduits for DC PLUG conduit duct bank.
Contractor excavated and installed a connection pipe PCC sewer pipe.
Contractor installed fiber glass conduit at Phase 3D1
Contractor continued full roadway excavation, grading and compaction work.
Contractor continued the installation of Standard Catch Basin on Phase-2B.
Contractor formed and pour ed PCC Curb and Gutter including Driveway at St. John’s School field.
Contractor excavated, trenched and began DCPLUG PVC installation and duct bank.
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover activities at several locations on Phase 1.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-2: hard surface milling operation, setting concrete barriers, installing silt fences, preparing to move office trailer behind the community garden near Horse Stable Road, and continued to install utilities as per design.
Contractor continued roadway excavation on SB lane from Military Road limit to Rittenhouse Street.
Contractor continued to build roadway on Phase-3 approved modified MOT. And currently working on DC PLUG work.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns