Sunday, March 13 - Saturday, March 19, 2022
Sunday, July 26, 2020 - Saturday, August 1, 2020
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco manhole cover adjustment at several locations on Phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation, building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street and installing PCC curb and gutter. Contractor continued excavation for the LID installation preparation and curb cutting.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

DDOT QA/QC on site to perform compaction test at bus pad location.

Contractor placed expansion joint/load transfer assembly.

Contractor cleaned several catch basins from erosion sediment.

Contractor cleaned several catch basins from erosion sediment.

Contractor placed asphalt base course at Chestnut and Oregon Avenue.

Contractor at various LID location placed river rocks and filter

Contractor at House #7022 excavated existing asphalt driveway to place GAB and paved 4-inch HMA

Contractor on western Avenue excavated and placed #8 stone for permeable conc. Unit Pavers (LID18-4).
Sunday, July 19, 2020 - Saturday, July 25, 2020
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco manhole cover adjustment at several locations on Phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation, building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street and installing PCC curb and gutter. Contractor continued excavation for the LID installation preparation and curb cutting.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Contractor continued underdrain pipe installation with filter fabric, double washed #57 stone within LID16-1

Contractor continued roadway GAB grading, saw cut edge of previous paved NB lane.

Contractor saw cut operation at the edge of previous paved NB lane.

Contractor saw cut, formed and placed PCC Curb and Gutter from Sta.183+50 to Sta.186+55

Contractor continued underdrain pipe installation, placing Filter fabric and double washed #57 stone within LID15-4

Contractor continued underdrain pipe installation, placing filter fabric and double washed #57 stone within LID14-4.

Contractor continued Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk performing excavation for Exposed Aggregate.

Contractor continued to excavate LID14-4 depth to 5.5-feet to place Geotextile fabric and pipe and covered with #57 Stone
Sunday, July 5, 2020 - Saturday, July 11, 2020
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco manhole cover adjustment at several locations on Phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Contractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation, building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street and installing PCC curb and gutter. Contractor continued excavation for the LID installation preparation and curb cutting.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Contractor at House #6850 driveway; excavated, graded GAB, formed & poured concrete for new replacement.

Contractor placed string at manhole and Pull String on Birch St thru manhole to manhole for certification of installation with DC Plug

Contractor excavated and placed GAB for Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk installation

Finally, Comcast on Phase1 section of Oregon Avenue Project moved cables from existing poles to new poles

Contractor on roadway work placed GAB fine grading on Oregon Avenue, rolled to compact

Contractor sprayed curing compound on Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk

Contractor continued Roadway work: excavation, compacted & placed GAB on Oregon Avenue

Contractor removed existing Fire Hydrant for DC Water on SW corner of Oregon Avenue and Beech Street
Sunday, June 28, 2020 - Saturday, July 4, 2020
Progress Summary:
Contractor continued minimal leftover Pepco manhole cover adjustment at several locations on Phase 1A.
Contractor continued DC-Water sanitary sewer manholes and sanitary sewer 24-inch and 18-inch RC pipes for connection, manhole installations and catch basin installation.
Contractor continued to build the roadway; installing geotextile, GAB, and asphalt base course. Con-tractor continued trench backfilling after removal of the trench boxes.
Contractor continued roadway excavation, building up the new roadway on the NB lane from Western Avenue limit to Beech Street and installing PCC curb and gutter. Contractor continued excavation for the LID installation preparation and curb cutting.
CM Community Outreach Activities
Communications team continued to address all work-related issues and coordinated with the affected residents.
Team continued to reach out to neighbors within the corridor about active work and adjusted activities.
Organized the Neighborhood Communication Committee (NCC) comprised of ANC’s
Outlined targeted areas for outreach efforts and distribution of NCC notifications
Hosted first NCC meeting with chairperson and AECOM to discuss sidewalk implementation
Communicated with Chatsworth community and HOA President on behalf of Washington Gas project on Oregon Avenue
Management of stakeholder’s email database and communication tracker
Email and phone correspondence with ANC’s on stakeholder request and resolution of safety concerns

Contractor formed & placed concrete for PCC Curb & Gutter at SW corner of Oregon Avenue

Contractor connecting the outlet pipe from the houses to the PCC Bioretention LID

Contractor excavated & placed concrete for PCC Wheelchair Bicycle Ramp & PCC Driveway for House #7420

Contractor excavated, set form & placed conc for PCC Wheelchair Bicycle Ramp on Birch Street and Oregon Avenue

Contractor continued roadway excavation & placed GAB on Oregon Avenue

Contractor continued paving 8” 19MM Binder on Oregon Avenue near Dogwood Street intersection

Contractor placed PCC Curb and Gutter

Contractor excavated and placed GAB for base of Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk.